Cloud Programming World
Cup 第4届学生云编程设计大赛(主办:CPWC执行委员会)的报名队伍为18队(日本1、海外17)、8队(均为海外)队伍获得提名。2016年11
月17日在品川Intercity Hall中经过最终公开审查选出了世界杯及4个审查员特别奖。
世界杯奖 |
13 |
作品名: Fire Plugin
- Simulation of Influences of Director Action in Fire Accident |
队名 : fireman 所属 :
上海大学 参加国 : 中国 |
Kinect SDK来识别插件中需要的动画; 其次,我们使用Delphi XE2在UC-win /
Firstly, we developed an application using C# and Microsoft Kinect SDK
to recognize animation needed in the plugin; Secondly, we used Delphi
XE2 to develop the plugin in UC-win/Road to integrate C# animation
recognition application and then simulate reaction of people in fire
accident according to action of director collected from Kinect. This
plugin can be used in the training of evacuation direction or
researches because it not only simulate the action of director, but
also provide varies parameters to simulate actual environment. |


(edited by participant) |

(edited by FORUM8) |
福田 知弘
(CPWC审查委员长、大阪大学 大学院工学研究科 副教授) |
8 |
作品名: Leap Motion Controller |
队名 : Unknown Legion
所属 : 上海大学 参加国 : 中国 |
它的结合UC-win/Road与手势识别设备Leap Motion。 Leap Motion可以实现高精度的近距离操作。
它跟踪帧速率并报告离散位置,手势和运动。 因此,与Leap
Our plugin is called Leap Motion Controller. It is designed to combine
UC-win/Road with the gesture recognition device Leap Motion. Leap
Motion operates in an intimate proximity with high precision. It tracks
frame rate and reports discrete positions, gestures and motion.
Therefore, the combination with Leap Motion will provide a gesture
recognition engine for UC-win/Road and let developers and users invoke
functions in UC-win/Road through simple gestures without clicking the
mouse. |
楢原 太郎
(新泽西工科大学 建筑设计学部 副教授) |
4 |
作品名: Sketch it ! |
队名 : Super3D 所属 :
上海交通大学 参加国 : 中国 |
然而,时下的企业软件对于初学者来说十分复杂。 只有专家才能创建逼真的模型。
用户只需要上传一些图片,插件便可从图片读取勾画轮廓和旋转轴,自动生成模型。 模型输出标准为3D格式,这些可以导入UC-win /
Modeling is an important part of Virtual Reality. However, the most
popular commercial softwares are complicated and difficult to get start
for a beginner. Only expert users can create photorealistic models
easily. In this plugin, we provide a fast way to create texture mapping
models with simple user interactions. Users only need to set some
pictures as reference, and sketch the contour or rotation axis from the
picture, the model will be generated automatically. The model is in
standard 3D format, which can be import into UC-win/Road and other
softwares to display and edit. |

(edited by participant) |

(edited by FORUM8) |
羽倉 弘之
(好莱坞创美大学院 特聘教授) |
17 |
作品名: The Early Warning Plugin of Ponding |
队名 : HateRainyDays 所
属 : 同済大学 参加国 : 中国 |
可能忽略一件事,即道路的积水。 当积水堵塞尾管,汽车会熄火。 本作品目标是制作一个插件来警告司机在这种情况下。
当司机接近洪水区时,系统会发出警告,并附带详细信息。 以这种方式,可以在某种程度上减少中国驾驶员陷入沉没和陷入困境丧命的情况。
When driving in heavy rainy days, drivers would always drive slowly and
carefully to avoid accidents.However, they may ignore one thing, that
is, the ponding along the roads. When the ponding comes above the
tailpipe, the car would shut down. We aim to implement a plugin to warn
drivers under the circumstance. Because the program can acquire the
future weather condition, detect the neighboring range and calculate
the depth of ponding water by our algorithm automatically, the plugin
can provide a logical forecast of the ponding water amount. When the
driver approaching the flood area, the system will throw warnings
companied with detailed information. In this way, the case that drivers
drove into ponding and got trapped or lost their lives happening in
China every year can be avoided at certain percents. |

(edited by participant) |

(edited by FORUM8) |
审查员特别奖 Yoann Pencreach
(FORUM8 VR开发 技术总监) |
1 |
作品名: Development of graphical programming interface |
队名 : Hua cheng 所属 :
上海交通大学 参加国 : 中国 |
该图被翻译成Delphi代码,进一步调用UC-win/Road的包装器的API。 流程图充当控制所创建的3D模型的行为的脚本。
A graphical programming interface will be developed for the
UC-win/Road. Using this interface, users can specify their programming
intentions just by drawing a flowchart-like diagram. The, the diagram
is translated into Delphi Code that further call the APIs form the
wrapper of UC-Win/Road. The flowcharts act as scripts to control
behaviors of the created 3D model. In this way, users who are not
familiar with the Delphi language or even those with no programming
experience can develop complicated transportation algorithm for
UC-win/Road and solve relating questions. Thanks for our plugin,the
scope of UC's customer can then increase from people with plentiful
programming experience to those ordinary people. |
提名奖 |
2 |
作品名: Driving Simulation with Real Vehicle Interface |
队名 : Intelligent Transportation
Research Center
所属 : 武漢理工大学 参加国 : 中国 |
二次开发,将UC-win/Road软件与真实汽车的操作连接起来,以获得真实的驾驶操 作。
通过CAN总线连接汽车方向盘,加速踏板,制动踏板,齿轮等。作为模拟软件,由UC-win/Road SDK掌控模拟软件。
In order to enhance the real sense of UC-win/Road in the man-machine
operation, we are going to be throught the second development to
connect UC-win/Road software with the operation of real car to acquire
real car operation.Specifically, through the CAN bus outputs a car
steering wheel, accelerator pedal, brake pedal, gear and other
information, operated by UC-win/road SDK, as input to the simulation
software; during simulated driving, lift the car front wheel, start the
car, driver operates the car in totally real man-machine environment to
obtain stronger immersed sense. |
提名奖 |
6 |
作品名: JumpFly !!! |
队名 : YOU 所属 :
上海海事大学 参加国 : 中国 |
Our team create a plugin which can let users to define their unusual
tour in UCwin/Road. In this plugin, we create two mode: Jump mode and
Fly mode. In this two mode, users can defin their own tour in
Ucwin/Road, then start to experence the feel about parachute or jump
during the city model. user can use keyboard to contorl the person
move, use mouse or VR equipment control the camera visual angle, then
they will feel they are fly or they are jump. That was the excellent
experence for every one. VR is very popular topic in these years, so
this plugin can let user know what can VR do, and enjoy the whole game. |
提名奖 |
10 |
作品名: A Rear - end Collision Alarming System |
队名 : Human@ 所属 :
長安大学 参加国 : 中国 |
与前方汽车碰撞发生碰撞, 但是,它目前无法发出预先警示。 我们的团队 设计了一个预先警示系统。 该系统包含内部 插件和STM32F4
SCM外部设备。 用户可以 从三种不同的方法中选择一种启动程序以计算出阈值,然后从SCM传输至COM。
The UC-Win/Road software could realize driving simulation. While it
could judge whether the current car collides with the car ahead,
however, it fails to issue an advance warning. Our team therefore
designed an alarming system. The system contains both the internal
plug-in and the external equipment called STM32F4 SCM. Users could
choose one from three different methods whose functions have been
packaged into the program to figure out the threshold and then transmit
it to the SCM by COM. The SCM would alarm once the distance or the time
of a current car reaches the threshold. Hence, the UC-Win/Road promises
to be useful for those researchers of safe driving. |